UK Losing Its Culture to Record Migration | Steven Edginton
Steven Edginton, a renowned journalist in the UK, reveals the political drama surrounding Liz Truss, the shortest serving Prime Minister in UK's history. He explains the downfall of the UK culture and values after allowing in a record number of migrants. It appears Canada has something in common with the Brits. Is there a way to reverse the damage?
Canadian Government Won't Support Oil & Gas Production? | Gwyn Morgan
July 9, 2024
Gwyn Morgan, former CEO of Encana Corp., speaks on why the oil and gas industry is being hampered by the Canadian government. We have an incredible opportunity to boost Canada's economy, and we're not doing it. Why? What do we need to do to get the government on board? Could change happen with the change in government?
Without Pride In Canada, What Do We Have? | Thomas Caldwell
June 25, 2024
"There's something wrong with this country." Thomas Caldwell, of Caldwell Securities, put out some powerful full-page ads outlining concerns about the future of Canada. He tells David Leis why he's not remaining silent anymore and not afraid of the backlash. He encourages more major corporations to speak out too. They discuss Canada's financial future and how to turn this ship around.
The Decline of Canadian Pride | Anthony Furey
June 20, 2024
Former mayor and host, David Leis, brings 2023 Toronto mayoral candidate, Anthony Furey, onto this week’s episode. As they discuss some of Canada’s hottest topics in politics, it becomes clear that true change in today’s economical landscape goes beyond the vote. Citizen involvement is crucial, but how? As Furey explains, you may not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you.
Middle Class Crisis? | Frank Stronach
May 28, 2024
Frank Stronach, Austrian born and Canadian billionaire businessman and politician, says we need to eliminate poverty in order to have a prosperous Canada. He says the economy is overloading the middle class and making it almost impossible for those in poverty to put food on the table. What will happen when the middle class isn't in the middle anymore?
Homeownership Only a Dream? | Stephen Moore
May 15, 2024
Stephen Moore, senior economic adviser to Donald Trump, is on the show. He reveals what is causing the massive prosperity gap between the Canadian and American economies. From government overreach, ideological influence, and fiscal irresponsibility, what is going on in the West?