Freedom Convoy & Jan 6: A Bigger Agenda?
Filmmaker Chris Burgard was at the Capitol on January 6, 2021—and his films The War on Truth and Capitol Punishment put him on the FBI’s radar. Why? He exposes what really happened that day, the media’s biggest lies, and whether this is a war on Christians or truth itself. What was the Democrats' endgame? Plus, find out how Canada’s Freedom Convoy shook Americans.
God's Principles for a Republic | Mark Burrell
October 16, 2023
What were the principles of those who founded the American Republic. The Puritans and others who came to America to find freedom and follow their Christian convictions knew that they could create a covenant that would build a nation and like the world at that time had not seen. Leighton Grey and author Mark Burrell discuss Mark's book Rediscovering the American Covenant and the truth behind the Declaration of Independence.
Masked Catastrophe Exposed | Commentary
October 12, 2023
This week's commentary with Leighton Grey... Are masks back in vogue for the health officials of Canada? When we follow the trail of money and control what do we see behind the masks and the data fraud, hiding the toxicity of proposed solutions? Listen to Litigation Lawyer, Leighton Grey's weekly commentary.
Cancelled | Commentary
October 5, 2023
You may have noticed that so many of our traditional concepts of beauty are under attack? I explain why that's happening and reveal some ways we can prevent this from destroying our cherished traditions. Listen to Cancelled: the deconstruction of beauty and truth in western culture.
The Borrower, the servant | Richard Vague
October 2, 2023
Is it bad policy that drives debt and inflation? We can see the causes of inflation. We can also see the payoff and pain of debt. Author Richard Vague and Leighton Grey have an eye opening discussion about economy, debt and how it can stimulate the economy for the better, if used responsibly. With cost and inflation at an all-time high in Canada, what is the solution when calamity drives costs up and makes life more difficult and expensive? Watch & listen to find out.
The Pursuit of Perfection | Commentary
September 28, 2023
What are the dangers of AI? This humanizing technology is already being used to create images, author books, and even mimic celebrities. The question isn't whether this technology will be exploited maliciously, but rather when it will occur. Will you be able to detect it? In my recent commentary, I uncover the alarming threats associated with AI and provide insights on safeguarding yourself.