Are Canada’s Judges Siding with Tyranny?
Canada’s judges and legal system are being influenced to side with tyranny, claims John Carpay of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. In his new book, Corrupted by Fear, John reveals Canada’s current challenges, and helps make sense of the erosion of rights in the country. He also shares why judges have sided with the government to restrict citizens' freedoms—and what you can do to fight back. How does this affect you, your rights, and your future?
A Nation Poised for Excellence - Lord Conrad Black
June 19, 2023
Get a front row seat to an exclusive conversation between host David Leis and the well-known Lord Conrad Black as he offers his unfiltered opinion on the hot button issues of the day including the failings of Indigenous affairs, the economic suicide of green policies and the lack of a well-managed, excellence-driven media industry. As the discussion unfolds, learn what history reveals about a good-governance vision for Canada’s future.
Cost of Living Under Crisis | Wendell Cox & Charles Blain
May 30, 2023
David Leis welcomes two experts to unearth the real problem behind housing affordability and why the cost of living is under such crisis in Canada and the USA. You'll learn from Wendell Cox & Charles Blaine about how urban and provincial policies, even though well intentioned, often erode housing affordability. Learn what you can do as a citizen today to influence change so the next generation can experience "the Canadian Dream".
America's Turmoil will be Canada's Strife | Jeffrey Tucker
May 24, 2023
David Leis welcomes well-known and highly published policy analyst Jeffrey Tucker to sort through what all went wrong in America since 2020 and where things are at today in terms of public trust, the blunders of bureaucracy and the shocking public-sector control mechanisms. David discusses the parallels within Canada and challenges citizens to get informed, involved, and active for the good of future generations and our way of life.
Debunking Myths about Urban Sprawl
May 16, 2023
David Leis' guest today, Randal O'Toole has dedicated decades of research and analysis to policies that help citizens live and thrive rather than be held hostage to the demands of green belts and bureaucratic restrictions. In this conversation he debunks myths about how North American cities ought to structure development to serve human behaviour rather than utopian urban plans that don't add up.
Understanding the Climate Debate | Dr. William Happer
May 9, 2023
Climates do change, as they always have. So, what's the truth behind human-influence on climate? David Leis learns this, and other fascinating perspectives into the high science academic community with Dr. William Happer; who has decades of experience in atomic physics, and adaptive optics; consulting several presidential science committees and teaching at Princeton University.
Who did Twitter Censor?
September 28, 2023
What exactly happened during 2020 to deliberately hide the truth about the Wuhan Lab, therapeutic treatments for patients, age-stratified risk and the collateral damages of lockdowns? Two authors of the Great Barrington Declaration join David Leis for a well-rounded discussion on what truths have been revealed recently and why public health abandoned over 100 years of data and practices.