Are Canada’s Judges Siding with Tyranny?
Canada’s judges and legal system are being influenced to side with tyranny, claims John Carpay of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. In his new book, Corrupted by Fear, John reveals Canada’s current challenges, and helps make sense of the erosion of rights in the country. He also shares why judges have sided with the government to restrict citizens' freedoms—and what you can do to fight back. How does this affect you, your rights, and your future?
Ideology and the Isolation of Canada | Joe Oliver
October 25, 2023
What are the safeguards that a government should use to protect the prosperity of its people and industry? David Leis and former Minister of Finance the Hon. Joe Oliver discuss the financial blunders of those who say budgets balance themselves. How can Canada's government work to avoid arriving at the tipping point of a financial crisis? Can Canada's government borrow its way into prosperity? David Leis and Joe Oliver discuss just that.
How the World Views Canada | Steven Edginton
October 25, 2023
How bright is the light shining on the path that Canada is taking into the future? As Canada moves forward with specific agendas nations of the world are taking note. In David's conversation with Steven Edginton, we hear how the perceptions of other nations are changing as they observe traditional values being replaced by what we have come to know as "woke ideology". What is the conclusion they draw as they see the condition of Canada's values and ideologies? You don't want to miss this one.
How Safe is Unsafe? | Shawn Buckley
October 10, 2023
Since the vaccine mandates, there have been a rise in injuries and even death due to "unknown causes". National Citizen's Inquiry member and Constitutional Lawyer Shawn Buckley and David Leis discuss who determines the benefit, cost, and damages of these medical products before they are mandated to the public. According to Shawn, Canadians would be shocked to know the lack of safety measures that were taken before being labeled "safe & effective". How safe is unsafe? Find out how the National Citizen's Inquiry along with Shawn Buckley, plan to take action and who they are holding accountable.
Global goals, local dreams | Diane Francis
October 3, 2023
There is no doubt that there is work to be done economically in Canada. Diane Francis, Editor-at-Large with the National Post says we are trailing behind the rest of the global powers. What can we do to move forward and give Canada and its citizens the chance it deserves to thrive? Follow along as David & Diane take a deep dive into the downfalls of Trudeau's government and what we can do to correct it.
Who Powers the Propaganda? | Ray McGinnis
September 28, 2023
Ray McGinnis, Canadian Author and Researcher, along with David Leis, outline the role that political games and propaganda play in mainstream media. The blatant lies of events during the Freedom Convoy is apparent. But, why would media want to portray stories like these in a biased way? What is the purpose of imposing negative views on those who fight for freedom? McGinnis shares his views and how we can recognize the power of propaganda that turns society.
The Story about Control | Elizabeth Nickson
September 21, 2023
It seems like everywhere you look, absurd things are continuously happening. Increasingly expensive groceries, endless taxation of gasoline, and countless reports about "global boiling". Investigative journalist, Elizabeth Nickson, often finds herself asking these questions: When will the absurdity stop? How did we get here? And who is to blame? In today's episode, discover the history and truth behind all this craziness and how we can possibly re-direct the hyperboles we continuously find ourselves in with Elizabeth Nickson and David Leis.