A Strong Immune System can Prevent Cancer | Dr. Byram Bridle
Dr. Byram Bridle speaks cancer and covid vaccines. He says many of us likely have cancer cells in our body but they never develop into anything. He explains the importance of the immune system in preventing cancer. He goes on to talk about why and how he was slammed by the University of Guelph for his stance on the vaccine, which has since been confirmed as fact by the vaccine companies. He should be thanked, instead of fighting for his reputation.
Who Decides What is Misinformation? with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
March 6, 2023
Joining Leighton on the show today is world renowned scientist and co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, back by popular demand, the world renowned epidemiologist and professor from the Stanford School of medicine details what went wrong with the twitter censorship and how dark it is that Public Health authorities in the western world handled the pandemic as though they had the moral authority to manipulate people to reach an end goal.
Just Transition... to what? with Josh Andrus
February 27, 2023
What is Alberta prepared to do to combat the legislation of 'Just Transition' proposed by the federal government? Leighton Grey dives into the historical and industry context with Josh Andrus of project confederation and ultimately concludes that clean, ethical energy production is the solution for the world, not the problem.