A Strong Immune System can Prevent Cancer | Dr. Byram Bridle
Dr. Byram Bridle speaks cancer and covid vaccines. He says many of us likely have cancer cells in our body but they never develop into anything. He explains the importance of the immune system in preventing cancer. He goes on to talk about why and how he was slammed by the University of Guelph for his stance on the vaccine, which has since been confirmed as fact by the vaccine companies. He should be thanked, instead of fighting for his reputation.
The Essential Church | Shannon Halliday
August 1, 2023
Christian Director, Shannon Halliday, shares the truths he uncovered about the unjust shutdown of churches during the COVID pandemic while creating his newest film, "The Essential Church". Halliday & Grey discuss the consequences of removing community during isolation, parallels of stripping religious freedoms throughout history, and the dark side of the entertainment industry & government censorship.
The Cultural Coercion | Commentary
July 27, 2023
This week's commentary cycles through the marketing and the calls to support LGBTQ2+ events and related products. Have the majority of society had too much? Are people tired of the marketing gimmicks and the powerful drive to promote agendas, while crowds at a major pride parade threaten that they are coming for "your children"? Has a tipping point been reached? Listen to Litigation Lawyer, Leighton Grey's weekly commentary as he tackles the taboo of 2023. Is this the culmination of cultural coercion
A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State
July 24, 2023
With a 40 year career as a constitutional lawyer in the USA, John W. Whitehead has a unique, legitimate perspective on where and why the deep state secrets are kept, and why the public ought to be more in-tune with the warning signs. As Leighton Grey discusses this far-reaching topic with Whitehead, Canadians will grasp the depth and perniciousness of corruption, the state-ordered 'censorship industrial complex' and more importantly, how we can all protect ourselves.
The Fatherhood of God | Commentary
July 21, 2023
One of the struggles of being a Christian lawyer is the idea of taking God on faith. Those of us in the legal tribe are trained to be skeptical, to look for evidence, and to reason our way to conclusions based upon standards like probability and reasonable doubt. Listen to Litigation Lawyer, Leighton Grey's weekly commentary.
Life After Cancel Culture | Caylan Ford
July 18, 2023
Leighton welcomes fellow Albertan Caylan Ford on to tell her personal story as chronicled in her documentary: When the Mob Came. Ford's reputation was destroyed, her burgeoning political career dissolved in a matter of hours and… everyone was pressured to disown her, purely based off false allegations. Is there life after cancel culture? Find out today!