Grey Matter is a curation of intelligent conversations with thought-provoking leaders from around the world. Join Leighton Grey and his guests as they think outside the box, tackle subjects that are often taboo and question the narrow worldviews so prevalent today. Dare to challenge your mind with this unique blend of perspective, facts and respectful dialogue.
Latest EpisodeEpisodes
Trump’s Victory & What MAGA Could Mean for Canada
United States of AmeriCanada | Commentary
Is Feminism Hurting Men? Change is Coming says Edward Bartlett
Liberal Gun Control
C.S. Lewis: How a Lifelong Search for Truth Led Him to Christ
Trudeau Says He'll Step Down. What Now?
Lawyer Exposes Fraud and Border Failures
Vaccine Fraud? The Truth Unveiled with Gena Watteel
God Bless Us, Everyone | Commentary
Freedom Convoy and Misinformation EXPOSED | Ray McGinnis
Why is China Taking Our Farmland | Brian Reisinger
Dangerous DEI | Commentary
Climate Change DEBUNKED | Frank Lasee
The Dark Sword of Tyranny | Commentary
Is Donald Trump A Conservative? | Josh Bernstein
How Did Donald Trump Win the Election? | Matt Purple
Born For Such A Time As This | Commentary
Can You Justify Faith with Science? | Spencer Klavan
Beware The Tyranny of Experts | Commentary
Elon Musk's Support of Trump will Backfire? | Tevi Troy
Are Thought Crimes Becoming Reality in Canada?
Who Really Controls the US Government? | Mel K
Spiritual Battle in a Corrupt World | Commentary
The Lasting Impact of History's Mistakes | Jared Knott
The Enemy Within
Canada's Open Border Creates Chaos in Our Streets | Salim Mansur
The Battle for Your Mind: Exposing 5th Generation Warfare
Who Are the Puppet Masters Brainwashing Us? | Dr. Robert Malone
Rationed Abundance | Commentary
Our Culture is Against Children? | Sam Sorbo
Christian Paternalism | Commentary
Stranger In Our Homeland | Commentary
Doctors Warn Against Childhood Vaccines | Dr. Edward Geehr & Dr. Jeffrey Barke
Doctor Risked It All, Speaking Out During Covid | Dr. Charles Hoffe
Solomon's Wisdom | Commentary
Christian Constitution | Commentary
Speechless | Commentary
How Many People Died for the Wrong Reasons? | Scott Schara
How to Be Smart with Money | Dr. James Thorne
Toxic Masculinity at the Olympics | Commentary
The Canadian Constitution | Commentary
Covid Lawlessness Won't End Well | Lawyer Rachel Rodriguez
A Strong Immune System can Prevent Cancer | Dr. Byram Bridle
Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate | Commentary
Where Should You Invest Your Money? | Petar Pejovic
Boxer Survives Severe Illness and Thrives. How? | Ron Oliver & Owen Beck
Principalities & Powers | Commentary
Disagreement is Not Allowed | Ramseyer & Morgan
A Disordered Ideology | Commentary
The Shocking Details Emerging About 9/11 | Ray McGinnis
Disinformation & Delusions | Commentary
The Shocking Hostile Takeover of the National Citizens Inquiry | Ted Kuntz
Canada's Legal System Dysfunctional? | Bruce Pardy
Why is Chaos Being Allowed Across Canada? | Naomi Wolf
People will Flee Canada too | Peyman Askari
The Real Threat | Commentary
Politicians Captured by the Party | Randy Hillier
The Way | Commentary
Overcoming Addiction and Finding Hope | Joshua Allen
The Feminist Trap | Commentary
The True Intent of Canada's Charter | Hon. Brian Peckford
The Truth about Climate Change | David Yager
Capitalist Ethics | Commentary
The Rise in anti-Semitism Explained | David M. Haskell
Are We on Stolen Land? | Dr. Jeff Fynn-Paul
There's No Profit in Healthy People | Mark Sherwood
Treasonous Treaty | Commentary
Woke Books Robbing Our Youth | Mandy Knox Sweeney
Was Jesus A Social Justice Warrior? | Commentary
Lawyer Calls BS on Political Double Standards | Viva Frei
The Trial of Jesus | Easter Commentary
Is Free Speech in Jeopardy? | Jason Fyk
The Gospel Records | Commentary
Pastor and Truckers Held the Line | Pastor Henry Hildebrandt's Story
The Icarus Phenomenon | Commentary
Demoralization | Commentary
The Media is the Message
Steering Medical Profits and Research | Dr. Roger Hodkinson
Escaping Canada | Drew Weatherhead
For the Love of God and Country
Uncover the Truth Behind Government Scams | Jason Lavigne
Rule of Law or Rule by Law? | Commentary
Powerplay for Freedom and Control | Tom Marazzo
Words vs Truth | Commentary
Pressure to Change Policies | Brandon Weichert
Leighton Grey
A litigator by trade, Leighton Grey's leap into the world of podcasting was fuelled by an unquenchable search for truth and justice. On his show, Grey Matter, he shares intelligent dialogue with thought leaders from around the world. Skillfully combining his interview skills and a down-to-earth approach, he puts guests at ease and invites listeners into the conversation to learn something of substance. With a strong indigenous heritage and a passion for excellence in sports, Leighton and his family are proud to call Alberta, Canada home.