Toxic Masculinity


Toxic masculinity is on display at the 2024 Paris Olympics; but astonishing as it may seem, it is epitomized by competitors in the now murky category of “women’s” boxing. Two boxers who failed past gender eligibility tests have easily advanced to their respective gold-medal matches, and appear destined for ultimate victory.

Imane Kehlif of the Muslim nation of Algeria has won each round of every judge’s card so far. Khelif and Lin Yu-ting of Taiwan both failed gender tests in 2019 and 2023, per the International Boxing Association (IBA).

A blood test in 2019 showed that these two fighters had “inconsistent” results, suggesting that the bloodwork was not that of a female, according to IBA CEO Chris Roberts. According to Roberts, in 2023, another test showed that both fighters “demonstrated the chromosomes we refer to in competition rules that make both boxers ineligible.”

Khelif and Lin were subsequently disqualified from the 2023 world championships. Opponents of Khelif and Lin have spoken out about having to fight them. Angela Carini of Italy called her match “unjust”, before later walking back the comments in a cringe worthy press conference. Carini could be seen saying the match was “unjust” before ripping her hand away from the referee and appearing to refuse to shake Khelif’s hand. She dropped to her knees and broke down in tears in the ring after losing a 46 second match involving a single punch from Khelif. Hungarian fighter Anna Luca Hamori, who also lost to Khelif, published several posts on social media before the fight, related to Khelif being a man.

As for Lin, Bulgarian fighter Svetlana Staneva staged a protest with her coach after the fight. She made the “X” gesture twice with her hands—referring to having XX female chromosomes—after her loss to Lin. Staneva’s coach also shared a noted with the media which read:

“I only want to play with women I am XX.”

Yu-Ting also beat Uzbekistan’s Sitora Turdibekova in the women’s 57 kg division, winning all three rounds and advancing to the quarterfinals. The judges were unanimous in their decision to award Yu-ting the win. Turdibekova wept as she made her way back to the Locker room after the fight, crushed by her defeat at the hands of a physically overpowering opponent.

IOC spokesperson Mark Adams however claimed that the IBA gender tests are “not credible”, since the IBA is not credible and the reasoning for the tests is not credible:

“There was no consideration of whether they were correct or not correct because they had no bearing for the eligibility of boxing here”.

Lin and Khelif were informed by the IBA that they tested positive for XY male chromosomes and both afforded the opportunity to appeal the findings to the Court of Arbitration of Sport. The IBA even offered to pay most of the cost of the Appeal; but Yu-ting did not appeal at all and Khelif ultimately withdrew one initially filed.

Dr. Ioannis Filippatos, the former Chair of the IBA Medical Committee, also emphasized that biology cannot be changed:

“Medicine is knowledge, it is not opinion...One passport can give to us the opportunity to be men, and, tomorrow when I go back to Athens, it’s possible to go to my government and... change my name from Ioannis Filippatos to Ionnia Filippatos. That means I am a woman tomorrow? Please. The nature and the biological world do not change...The blood results look and say—the laboratories—that this boxer is male.”

The IOC, though, is sticking by its decision to allow Lin and Khelif to compete in the women’s division. According to Adams:

“These athletes have been competing in senior competitions for six years with no issues. These women were eligible for this contest, remain eligible for this contest and compete in this contest...As with previous Olympic boxing competitions, the gender and age of the athletes are based on their passport.”

In 2021, the IOC changed its gender rules, allowing each sport’s governing body to decide whether an athlete could compete. The Paris 2024 Boxing Unit is in charge of gender eligibility standards for this year’s competition.

Men typically have XY chromosomes, while women have XX chromosomes, although rumours have swirled that the two boxers may be intersex, meaning that they have one of several conditions where chromosomes and genitalia are irregular. Thus far, it is unclear whether either of them has such a condition.

So what exactly are we witnessing here, and why has the IOC completely lost the plot beyond the Olympics? To answer this question, we must go back to basics.

The ancient Olympic Games were held in Olympia, Greece, in honour of the Greek God, Zeus. The Games dated back to 776 B.C. and ran for a millennium, until 393 A.D. They were held quadrennially and initially permitted only first-born Grecian men to compete.

Artists and poets presented their works, and the ancient Olympics had a definite political flavour, even thousands of years ago. Early sports included running, boxing, chariot racing, wrestling, and pentathlon.

The Games went dark in the 4th century A.D. until the first modern games were held at Athens in 1896. Over the ensuing century, professional athletes were allowed to participate, the number of eligible sports expanded to include things like break dancing and skateboarding, and politics had an escalating presence to the point where they now eclipse the athletic events themselves.

The Paris 2024 Olympics, rather than featuring an opening ceremony celebrating the host country of France, offered an anti-Christian LGBTQ smorgasbord depiction of Da Vinci’s The Last Supper. It saw a drag queen defending the offensive show as “a multi-faceted, multi- ethnic France with people of different ethnicities and orientations.”

If the IOC really wants to showcase “different orientations” in “multiethnic France”, then they should perform a closing ceremony featuring the prophet Mohammed as a Rubenesque figure surrounded by a cadre of dancing imams in drag. Of course, such ‘diversity’ will never see the light of day.

DEI for thee, but not for me.

Transgender athletics is another example of this same theme; specifically transgendered or genetically anomalous women—previously known as men, guys, or dudes—competing as and against actual women, formerly known as gals, chicks, or ladies.

For what should be obvious reasons, this is grossly unfair and, in some cases—dangerous— threatening the safety, health, and lives of female athletes. Male athletes are 10-25% faster and stronger than female ones, based upon speed or weight lifted in similar competition. In contact sports like boxing, speed and strength are more difficult to quantify, and the consequences are potentially fatal.

If a man runs or swims faster than a woman in direct competition, the injury to the loser is purely emotional. A woman training for years and even decades denied a medal or championship by having to compete against a man is emotionally devastating and indeed abusive.

But what happens when injuries go beyond the mere psyche and the ego?

A female volleyballer was recently left paralyzed with brain damage by a transgender opponent who ‘cackled with delight’ after knocking her to the ground. A trans-female MMA fighter fractured the orbital socket of a woman opponent about 10 years ago. Trans- apologists downplay the orbital fracture, despite the fact that it can cause blindness due to optic nerve compression. Are they also dismissing paralysis?

Men competing against women turns women’s rights and empowerment movements on their heads. The slogan “I am woman, hear me roar” was popular in the 1970’s; but roaring about injustice now invites personal and professional ruin via the WOKE police. Or in Great Britain, via the actual police.

In the 2024 Paris Olympics, we have seen two male boxers pummelling their female opponents. First, as Breitbart reported:

“Algerian Olympic ‘female’ boxer Imane Khelif is not female, according to the International Boxing Association (IBA). Khelif has male biological characteristics and elevated levels of testosterone and XY chromosomes, and, if you believe the science, the XY chromosomes mark the end of the argument.”

Left wing corporate media responded in defense of this travesty. From the Economic Times:

“The biological profile of Khelif depicts a complex scenario. She has differences of sex development (DSD), a condition where she was born a woman and identifies as such. Her increased testosterone levels and XY chromosomes—characteristics commonly associated with male athletes—are the outcome of this disorder. The reason behind her disqualification from the 2023 World Boxing Championships was her excessive testosterone levels, which also caused her to fail a gender eligibility test.”

XY chromosomes are not “commonly” male, even if the genitals are ambiguous. The National Institute of Health clearly states that:

“Females have two X chromosomes in their cells, while males have one X and one Y.”

It is that Y chromosome creating a male body during puberty, faster, stronger, and far more powerful in a boxing ring. Testosterone levels in adulthood is a total red herring. The male physique is constructed during puberty, when the XY chromosome induced testosterone levels are elevated.

Reduced testosterone levels in adulthood make little difference, much like how putting low octane gasoline into a Ferrari may impact performance slightly, but will not convert it into a Toyota Corolla. Rocket fuel in the Corolla will not magically transform it into a Lamborghini.

So why are testosterone levels even a criteria for eligibility? A simple cheek swab will determine XX versus XY chromosomes, and that should be the sole determinant of whether an athlete competes as or against females.

Permitting these male boxers to pummel female competitors is brutal, savage, and demeaning, leaving aside many more descriptive adjectives. Civilized societies have always differentiated sport based upon gender, with men and boys competing against each other, not against women and girls.

Even among the two genders (yes, I specify only two), there are weight classes in weightlifting, wrestling, boxing, rowing, and other sports to level the competitive playing field based upon factors such as size, strength, and power. Allowing men to combat women is a barbaric practice.

What does the Olympic Games website say?:
“The three values of Olympism are excellence, respect, and friendship.” Evidently, nothing shows respect quite like watching a man to beat up woman.

Nor is it just Paris. Things are no better in nearby Switzerland, where parents recently had their children taken from them by authorities for refusing to give them puberty blockers. Would Swiss police also arrest a female boxer for refusing to fight a man in competition?

A quick look at Imane Khelif’s Instagram page reveals images of him in street clothes, clearly dressed as a man. Or the Tweet and photo asking the question “Why does Khelif use a nut protector?” Social media posts are not chromosomal, so we must take them in context.

So where are the feminists in all of this controversy?

The National Organization of Women issued no press releases about the boxers and nothing on their home page. Corporate media, right on cue, defends the indefensible. Kamala Harris was deathly silent, but at least the Donald Trump camp pulled no punches:

“President Trump has been unequivocally clear that he will NOT stand for men competing in women’s sports—an insane and unfair reality that has been allowed to transpire because of Radical Left politicians like Kamala Harris. When he returns to the White House, President Trump will take immediate action to protect women and girls and overturn the Harris-Biden Administration’s radical rewrite of Title IX.”

Female athletes must say “no” and refuse to compete against men. No women, no competition, no games, no viewers, no revenue. The left will not behave based upon rationality and common sense, but they will respond to the almighty dollar.

Perhaps it is time to “Bud-Light” the Olympics rather than permit the Left to further its transparent agenda to erase women’s sports entirely? Otherwise, women will need to sacrifice their right to privacy and equal opportunity upon the altar of gender ideology.

The left’s militant expansion of its ideas never ends. In true progressive fashion, definitions of words change in order to drive radical ideas into the public square. Biological sex—that is male or female—is ignored. Moreover, disregarding the law of physics—eg. When a stronger force meets a weaker force, the latter is flattened—is a dereliction of intelligence. Decidedly, the cover-up and championing of male athletes in women’s Olympic sports is the greatest sports scandal of our lifetime.

Will male athletes continue to be allowed into women’s restrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams? Will institutions continue to face allegations of discrimination from governments if this is not permitted?

If so, then this will occur despite the following despicable actions arising from men being tolerated in once safe spaces for women:

(I) Male swimmer Liam Thomas crushed female competition at both the state and national levels;

(II) Riley Gaines was physically assaulted after she objected to Thomas competing against her;

(III)A 5 year old girl was allegedly attacked by a gender-fluid student in the girl’s restroom; (IV) In 2015, female students were forced to undress and change alongside a male student in

the girl’s locker room;
(V)Three girls at the Lowell Collegiate Charter School were allegedly injured by a trans-

identified male basketball player from Kipp Academy. He had facial hair. The coach from Lowell forfeited the game after one of his players sustained a back injury from an altercation with the male player;

(VI)In 2022, Payton McNabb, playing volleyball for North Carolina, was knocked unconscious when a male player spiked a ball that hit her in the head;

(VII)In Virginia, a man presented as a woman in a long wig and pink skirt to enter a women’s restroom at a mall to take pictures of a 5 year old girl, her mother, and another woman;

(VIII)In Washington State, a man used a women’s locker room at a public swimming pool to undress in front of young girls who were changing for swim practice. When staff asked him to leave, the man claimed that “the law has changed and I have the right to be here.”

(IX)In Minnesota, a male high school student who identifies as female was allowed access to the girls locker rooms, where the student danced “in a sexually explicit manner...flashed his underwear while dancing, asked about a girl’s bra size, and asked her to “trade body parts”.

Men are also denying women lucrative opportunities outside of the sports arena:

  1. (1)  In May of 2023, Adidas ran a swimsuit advert for women, using a male model;
  2. (2)  Hershey Chocolate ran an advert to celebrate International Women’s Day featuring a man
  3. posing as a woman;
  4. (3)  Riskier Valerie Kolle—a man—was crowned Miss Netherlands;
  5. (4)  In April of last year, Maybelline paid a man named Dylan Mulvaney to model its make-up;
  6. (5)  Speaking of Mulvaney, he was crowned “Woman of the Year” by Virgin Atlantic, a British
  7. LGBT magazine. Mulvaney has since shed his transgender image and grown a beard.

The travesty never ends, and we will be forced to state biologically false pronouns or else face consequences. The transgender agenda even affects physicians brave enough to speak out against child mutilation, and governments will punish hospitals which resist these surgeries.

Not only is there serious harm to women’s sports and their private spaces, but it also undermines parents who affirm biological and Biblical truth.

Emotionally vulnerable children who are confused about their sexuality will not be assisted, but instead face ruthless enforcement of transgender ideology. School staff can actively hide a child’s new name and identity, even from parents. Thus, in impeccable leftist fashion, this harms parental rights as well. School administrators are drunk with power over such regulations.

Ultimately, free thinking and free speech are curtailed and punished. The use of force, coercion, aggressive domination, and intimidation is implicit in all of this, which makes Olympic boxing a fitting example. Bullying is the new sport in today’s WOKE world—the use of force, coercion, aggressive domination, and intimidation. Just like a man beating up a woman in a boxing match.

Harm should not come to those who identify as transgender; but by the same token, girls and women must not be sidelined and erased to appease ideologues. Such malicious inhumanity and misogyny is in fact the very epitome of “toxic masculinity”—the kind that seeks to demean, abuse, and even erase women. Ironically and perversely, much of this finds it origins in radical feminism.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a classic novel published in 1818, revised in 1831, and subtitled The Modern Prometheus due to its parallels with the Ancient Greek myth Prometheus, who defied the gods by stealing fire and giving it to humanity.

The novel tells the story of Dr. Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a grotesquely sentient creature from cadavers and brings it to life through an unorthodox scientific experiment. Haunted by its creation, Frankenstein abandons it, and the monster takes revenge by murdering his younger brother, William.

Shelley, a feminist, explores the dual nature of humanity, as embodied by Frankenstein and his creature, who are both capable of good and evil. Frankenstein’s experiment also raises key questions about the ethics of scientific discovery and the responsibility that comes with creating life artificially, as opposed to the natural means of matronly birth. Like transgender people, Frankenstein and his creature are outcasts, seeking human connection but ultimately finding in it only rejection and despair.

In her now famous essay, A Feminist Critique of Science, Anne Mellor discusses in detail the way in which Victor Frankenstein’s obsession with practicing ‘bad science’ can lead us to conclude that in reality he was anti-feminist and part of the greater patriarchy. Mellor supports Mary Shelley’s stance on the idea that only men who practice science for personal gain in order to manipulate “the elemental forces of nature to serve private ends” (like transgender surgeries) are the ones who demonstrate a support for exploitation of women. Mellor introduces Shelley’s view of science and her meaning of what are both, good and bad science.

Shelley believed that the use of ‘good science’ was practiced by those who were willing to study and understand science for all of its natural purposes but never tried to manipulate it; and that ‘bad science’ was performed by those who wanted to ‘master’ and control science. Through this, Mellor argues that “the scientist who analyses, manipulates, and attempts to control nature unconsciously engages in a form of oppressive sexual politics.”

Mellor argues that through Victor Frankenstein’s hope to “penetrate into the recesses of nature” and the fact that nature is always referred to as “she/her” and holds a very feminine connotation, Victor shows his true-anti-feminist ways. This is seen in the early stages of Victor’s growing obsession with science when he states:

“I have described myself as always having been embedded with a fervent longing to penetrate the secrets of nature.”

According to radical feminists like Mellor, this demonstrates a vulgar attitude toward something feminine and shows Victor’s inconsideration and demeaning of nature and its feminine characteristics. This therefore explains why Victor decided to create a life on his own and went against the natural way of producing life—via the womb—because he thought himself superior to women in all ways such that he did not need one in order to manufacture life:

“A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me.”

With this, Victor manifests his desire to be the reason behind life and demonstrates envy for women because they tend to epitomize and represent life. His unwillingness to create a female creature later on in the novel, as well as his conjuring a male creature that preys upon and destroys women, shows his misogyny or toxic masculinity. Victor Frankenstein thus demonstrates his obvious belief of being superior to women. Through his actions, which represent the perversion of science that is transgenderism, Victor degrades the necessity of women and therefore, explicitly demonstrates the toxically masculine belief that they are unnecessary.

It is therefore those who take it upon themselves to manipulate and use science for their own personal gain who tend to show negative attitudes for women, by demonstrating their degrading approach to nature’s feminine attributes—principally the ability to create life. Their actions demonstrate support for a society in which one can manipulate and control certain aspects of nature in order to gain something out of it (like Olympic glory), and through such manipulation, perpetuate the false belief that women are unnecessary and invalid.

This strikes at the very essence of transgenderism, its perversion of science, and its degradation of the entire category of womanhood. Indeed, the story of the Frankenstein monster and its creator, conceived by a 19th century feminist, captures the very essence of female envy at the root of toxic masculinity, as expressed in the overt penetration of female sports, private spaces, and the very concept of womanhood—by men.

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