The Destruction of Canada


Since his initial election in 2015, Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has perpetrated the intentional ongoing destruction of the country. Canadians were warned of this intent when during the election campaign, he publicly stated that he intended to "change the culture of the country" and turn it into a post national state with open borders. Naive Canadians had no idea that what he meant was the destruction of the country as they knew it. Realistically, Canada was already divided, if not completely broken.

Canada is in reality a piece of geography made up of provinces and territories that don't get along well with each other, where unnecessary, uneven, and unequal bureaucratic regulations across provincial and territorial borders create many frustrations for businesses that cannot flourish productively and efficiently. It is virtually impossible to correct provincial inequities by revising the 1982 Constitution, the writing of which Prime Minister Trudeau senior was a participant,

The disparities and hypocrisies are blatantly evident, yet Canadians aren't aware of them or ignore them completely. Blaring examples involve unequal provincial Parliamentary and Senate seats, unfair and hypocritical environmental standards and regulations and the uneven distribution of provincial wealth through the equalization program, all of which favour Eastern Canadian provinces. The electoral structure of the country is ludicrous. Parliamentary and Senate seats are determined by population after which the "creative accounting" of the Constitutional Representation Formula is applied, whereby Prairie Provinces are intentionally outnumbered and unequal.

Examples include the four Maritime Provinces with a combined population of 2,370,537 residents and 32 parliamentary seats, or approximately 74073 residents per seat. In comparison Alberta's population is 3,779,353 with a number of electoral ridings at 34. If the number of seats is based on population (3,779,353 divided by 74073), the province should have at least 51 seats. When comparing the Senate, it should also surprise no one at the disparities. Ontario and Quebec combined have 48 Senate seats; the four Maritime provinces have a combined total of 30, while Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba have 6 each for a disproportionate total of 18. These numbers are symptoms of the big lie of Confederation.

Canada has been nothing but a series of cowardly compromises since 1867. With no national standards for anything, Canada compromises on everything. We permit tax exempt ENGOs like the Rockefeller, Tides, Lead Now Foundations and a treasonous Suzuki Foundation, to help destroy Canada's energy industry while Justin Trudeau gives tax dollars to a corrupt Chinese Communist government to build oil pipelines and ports in Asia yet are unwilling to build our own.

Since the 2015 election (with huge financial support from the George Soros Open Societies Foundation), examples of the destruction of Canada include the passing of legislative Bills C-48 (Tanker Moratorium Act), which effectively stopped Western Canadian oil from being shipped from Canada's west coast, and C-69 (The Canadian Energy Regulator Act), making it virtually impossible for pipeline or energy project construction anywhere in the country, all while importing oil from Saudi Arabia and Nigeria at world prices and stealing tax dollars in the form of carbon tax to build the Trudeau version of the environmental green new deal. Canadian Communist Maurice Strong promoted the initial establishment of the UN IPCC environmentalist program. Justin Trudeau's intent is to unilaterally continue to support the United Nations Agenda 21 and the implementation of the Davos World Economic Forums Great Reset.

The end goal is the installation of a Global New World Order in which elitist billionaires, their multi wealth corporations and world banks will control the activities of the population of the world including the elimination of their freedoms, digital control of their behaviour, finances and living conditions.

Trudeau has gone even further by supporting Communist China during the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to many experts like Doctors Alexander and McCullough, this virus is not much more harmful than the common flu, yet Trudeau has used it as a politicized propaganda tool to intimidate and coerce lazy thinking, terrified Canadians to accept untested, experimental inoculations euphemistically called vaccines, in order to retain their employment and freedom of movement. (There remains a realistic fear of the establishment of internment camps to house those unwilling to be inoculated, a page taken from the Marxist strategy of controlling those considered "enemies of the state").

On advice from Theresa Tam, the unelected Canadian chief medical officer, who takes instruction from the Communist controlled United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), of which she is a member, advises Trudeau on virus lockdown and restriction policies. This lead to the Emergency Measures Act that fundamentally eliminated every important element of Canadian freedom under the guise of health care, but in reality permitted Trudeau to retain power and control.

Theresa Tam has a definite conflict of interest and is suspected of being a member of the Chinese Communist party. Furthermore Justin Trudeau gave $828,000 thousand dollars of taxpayer money to the very Wuhan China laboratory from which the corona virus may have originated. Trudeau's support of Communist China has been further exposed with his recent approval of the sale to China of Canadian company Neo Lithium, a producer of lithium required in the manufacture of electric vehicle and grid storage batteries.

Considering the corrupt behaviour he has displayed for years, with SNG Lavalin and the WE situation the latest, it's amazing that there has been hardly a comment or a whimper from either the people, or Canada's leftist press. In fact Trudeau publicly bragged that he would receive no criticism from the press because he subsidized it with over $715 million tax dollars. This shocking absence of concern suggests that many in this country are comfortable with the move to totalitarianism. More telling, Justin Trudeau is a graduate of Klaus Schwab's Young Leaders program, part of Schwab's World Economic Forum that is at this very moment, engaged in the Globalist elites Great Reset intended to destroy capitalism, individual self reliance, liberty and free markets.

These are truths that Justin Trudeau does not deny all the while declaring that those who refuse to be vaccinated are racist, misogynist terrorists and enemies of the people, the typical response from a Marxist politician. In fact the massive Truckers convoy to Ottawa to challenge the government over mandated vaccinations created an opportunity for Trudeau to reintroduce the War Measures Act, last brought forward (many would say unnecessarily), by Pierre Elliot Trudeau during the FLQ Crisis in Quebec during the late '60's. The disgusting sight of armed Canadian soldiers on the streets of Quebec was nothing more than a totalitarian move by a Communist Prime Minister.

It's amazing that many Canadians still do not believe that the Trudeau family are Communists. In response to this question from a student in 1969, "what kind of country would you like to make Canada"? Pierre Elliot Trudeau replied, "Labour Party Socialist, or Cuban Socialism, or Chinese Socialism, socialism from each according to his means".

At the age of 32, during a visit to what was still Soviet Russia, Trudeau senior proudly admitted to the wife of an American diplomat that he was a Communist. He was to visit Communist China on four occasions during one of which he dined with Mao whom he admired. Born into wealth and privilege, Pierre Elliot Trudeau had no understanding that capitalism was the source of it. He was a Socialist who masqueraded as a Liberal to get elected as Prime Minister in 1968 and the transformation of Canada to a totalitarian state began with the implementation of the Multiculturalism, Bilingualism programs and the destructive National Energy Program (NEP).

The NEP subsidized energy costs for consumers at the expense of energy producers and wreaked havoc on Canada's economic and national unity (that continues today under Trudeau junior). Rather than welcome foreign investment, Trudeau senior repelled it with the new Foreign Investment Review Agency.

As part of the NEP, Trudeau senior established Petro Canada, the national oil company whose first chief executive officer was billionaire Maurice Strong who made his wealth in the Alberta oil industry.

With strong ties to globalist George Soros, Strong was a committed Canadian communist who (ignoring the source of his own wealth), shamelessly stated that "capitalism should be eliminated".

Strong had previously been part of the United Nations environmental program in 1972 and was Secretary General of the 1992 United Nations convention on the environment and economic development, where the seeds of today's UN Agenda 21 were continually implemented. Upon retirement Strong retired to Beijing China where he died in 2015.

Thus began the continuing destruction of Western Canada's energy industry today under Justin Trudeau's Prime Minister-ship who further emasculates the resource industries with an unnecessary carbon tax and a subsidized, ineffective, inefficient green new deal of wind turbine and solar energy projects under the guise of a United Nations Maurice Strong sponsored IPCC climate crisis.

The Trudeau Prime Minister-ships and their respective government's betrayal of Western Canada's energy industry is beyond intelligent comprehension, considering that the West's vibrant, well managed, environmentally conscious, technologically advanced industry is internationally renowned for it's professionalism. In a 2019 survey by Global Energy Pulse, IPSOS found that respondents from 31 countries prefer Canada as their No.1 oil and natural gas supplier among the world's top 1 energy exporting nations, yet Canada is unable to provide world supply due to a destructive United Nations IPCC climate crisis cult scam supported by Justin Trudeau.

The nationalization of the Trans Mountain pipeline is another indicator of totalitarianism. Bill C-25 has imposed rules on corporations that include inspectors that monitor such things as wages, speech, and pay equity, all part of bureaucratic groups like human rights tribunals with the power to levy fines or impose prison time to compel conformity, typical Marxist philosophical behaviour.

The final piece of Canada's destruction is financed by globalist billionaires including George Soros, who not only has a personal relationship with Justin Trudeau, but has worked with and supported Chrystia Freeland (who wrote his biography), and Gerald Butts whom he financially supported when Butts was Chairman of WWF Canada, another international agency born from Maurice Strong's U.N. construct and financially supported through the years by Soros' Open Society Foundation. There Butts proved an effective unapologetic environmentalist mouthpiece, furthering Soros' agenda on international globalist stages, and in closed-door meetings with the World Economic Forum and Bilderberg Group.

In 2012 Butts received US$361,642 severance package from WWF to support him through a "volunteer position" on Trudeau's campaign team during the 2015 election period. (Full credit to Canadian investigative journalist Vivian Krause, who for years has doggedly "followed the money" to uncover the behind-the-scenes activities of a host of globalists bent on impacting resource development and political interests in Canada.) Today Butts is the most powerful unelected Trudeau confidant in Canada. He was the driving force behind the costly and ineffective green energy program that bankrupt many Ontario businesses during Kathleen Wynne's premiership, the cost of which rose from $12 billion dollars in 2006 to $21 billion dollars in 2019 while electrical demand fell 10% over the same period.

Note the continuing appearance of names like Strong, Soros, the World Economic Forum's Klaus Schwab, the United Nations, the Bilderberg Group, all of whose formidable globalist wealth, power and influence are being employed in the implementation of a powerful, diabolical, evil new world government which will appear where all forms of democracy, individual personal freedom of movement and finance, capitalism and free enterprise will disappear from the face of the earth.

Canada today, is a divided, corrupt, broken, bankrupt, immoral, anti-Christian, church burning, anti- economic, anti-white racist, destructively woke country, in which its government, judiciary, institutions and education system operate under Marxist principles, all clearly evidenced by the complicity of the current crop of "useful idiot" politicians that are directly influenced by a Satanic United Nations, the World Economic Forum and the Chinese Communist influence, that has been insidiously engaged for decades.

What is unknown to many is the influence of billionaire George Soros; Chris George

For a man who casts such a long shadow across our country, most Canadians are stumbling forward without any true sense of what the Soros world vision means for the future of Canada. George Soros' "philanthropic" agency, the Open Society Foundations (OSF), funds hundreds of millions of dollars annually to advance a globalist agenda and the specter of a One World Government governed by the United Nations (U.N.). For the past 20 years, Canada has been pulled into the Soros vortex with the infiltration of OSF-funded lobby organizations and with his own recalibration of the Liberal Party of Canada. Since the election of the Liberals in 2015, the country has become an unfolding post-national experiment.

Ostensibly, Soros took control of Canadian policy with the electoral victory of the Liberals. It is well documented in the research of the Canada Decides Report to Elections Canada as well as investigative journalist Vivian Krause ( campaigns/) that the 2015 election campaign is a textbook example of foreign influence on election results.

For Soros, defeating Stephen Harper was necessary. Soros facilitated exchanges between U.S. Democratic backroom operatives and the Liberal Party campaign team and he channelled OSF funds into Tides Canada, an off-shoot to Soros' left-of centre American Tides Foundation. With Tides Canada financial support, organizations Leadnow and Dogwood spent millions of dollars and mobilized thousands of campaign workers to defeat Harper's Conservatives in a total of 40 ridings.

Ensconced in Ottawa with a majority four-year mandate, the Trudeau Government began to systematically transform the country's economic and societal fortunes into a Soros phantasm. Central to the Liberal Government's agenda has been an unwavering commitment to global environmentalism and the reduction of carbon emissions. In its first budget, the Government introduced a punitive carbon tax (and a schedule to increase it) to attempt to meet a Paris Accord target by which Canadians will reduce global carbon emissions by less than half of one percent. Fast forward to today and Canadians are about to learn the second part of the Liberals' environmental agenda: subsidizing green industry projects.

Gerald Butts was the architect of the Ontario Green Energy Program and now he is masterminding a national "Building Back Better" campaign to introduce government sponsored green programs, worth billions of tax-payers' dollars. Butts' green initiative is reportedly to deliver the post-corona virus Canadian economy away from our rich, fossil fuel resources.

An anti-oil lobby has always been the core mission of the OSF-funded environmental causes. From the American lobbyists' first meetings in 2008 when they devised the "Tarsands Campaign," the environmental lobby, included the Rockefeller Foundation and the treasonous Canadian Suzuki Foundation (subsidized by Canada's own National Research Council), has been relentless in smearing the reputation of the Canadian oil and gas industries.

In a number of her articles, Krause surmises that well over 10 years and a half-billion dollar misinformation campaign on the Alberta oil sector has effectively turned many Canadians against the development of our country's energy resources.

The proposed oil and gas emissions cap is in reality a federal government-imposed cap on oil and gas production and, if implemented, will result in a production cut of at least one million barrels a day of oil and gas in Alberta, while effectively prohibiting any production growth.

The Canadian constitution clearly gives provinces exclusive jurisdiction over non-renewable natural resource development. Multiple reports have shown an emissions cap will kill 150,000 jobs, devastate Alberta's economy, cut production, and hurt Albertans.

Yet, on Nov. 4, the federal government introduced draft regulations for an oil and gas emissions cap, ignoring concerns from many provinces, industry, businesses and Albertans.

In response, Alberta's government will introduce an Alberta Sovereignty Within a United Canada Act motion to stop a federal cap from infringing on the province's distinct jurisdiction and killing good-paying jobs. The resolution asks the legislative assembly for approval to take a series of swift, effective actions designed to protect Alberta if the production cap ever becomes law.

"We will continue to defend our province from Ottawa's senseless and direct attack. Our motion protects Albertans' jobs and livelihoods, puts Ottawa back in their place, and ensures we can continue to support global energy security with Alberta oil and gas for decades to come."

Danielle Smith, Premier Independent analysis by the Conference Board of Canada, Deloitte and S&P Global all show the devastating impact of the federal government's proposed oil and gas emissions cap. This includes cutting production by one million barrels a day by 2030 and draining billions from Canada's economy. In addition, the Conference Board of Canada estimates that up to 150,000 Canadian jobs could be lost as a result of the cap. As a result of these - and other - impacts, the average Canadian family would have up to $419 less for groceries, mortgage payments and utilities every month.

"This cap is not actually about emissions. This is about the federal government wanting to cut oil and gas production and control our energy sector, even if it costs thousands of jobs and hurts

Canadians from coast to coast. We are standing up for our province and protecting Albertans from this extreme federal overreach."

Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Environment and Protected Areas

If passed, the actions proposed in the Alberta Sovereignty Within a United Canada Act motion will help protect Alberta's economy while the province continues producing responsible energy to meet the world's growing demands.

The motion proposes that the government launch an immediate constitutional challenge when, or if, the federal production cap becomes law. It also instructs the government to consider passing legislation, amending provincial regulations or taking whatever other steps are needed to:

• Ensure that no provincial entity participates in the enforcement or implementation of the federal cap.

• Ensure that all interest holder oil and gas production facilities and related infrastructure in Alberta (Interest Holder Facilities) are 'essential infrastructure' subject to the protections granted under Alberta's Critical Infrastructure Defence Act.

• Prohibit entry by any individual, including any federal official or contractor, onto any Interest Holder Facilities, excepting any interest holders, employees and contractors, and those specifically licensed to enter by the Government of Alberta.

• Declare all information that is directly or indirectly related to greenhouse gas, collected at Interest Holder Facilities, as proprietary information exclusively owned by the Government of Alberta, and mandate that all emissions data be reported and disclosed at the province's discretion.

• Effectively sell conventional oil through the Conventional Oil Royalty-in-Kind program, and work collaboratively with industry to implement a Bitumen Royalty-in-Kind program for bitumen, and develop a similar program for natural gas, if necessary.

• Work collaboratively and proactively with other provinces and territories, the United States and First Nations to double oil and gas pipeline capacity to tidewater and the United States of America.

If the motion is passed, Alberta's government will immediately begin taking steps to be ready to protect the province if the federal regulations become law.

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