Strangers In Our Homeland


Canadians are pessimistic about the future.  We also view past decades more favourably than we do the present one.  Our true north strong and free is gone, it seems.  What remains is a fading memory of what Canada once was, without an underlying promise that its erstwhile prosperity can be restored.

Such pessimism is not unique to Canada. A growing body of research shows that national populations across the globe are depressed about the future.  Billions of smartphones, exponentially multiplying digital entertainments, and social media platforms connecting millions each minute, are evidently creating inadequate conditions for human optimism or flourishing.

Diagnosing why billions of people worldwide are miserable is not easy, but there is an obvious culprit that has surely contributed to our shared malaise.  Globalism, our increasingly dominant governing philosophy—if not faux religion—is inherently antagonistic to both individual self-determination and the natural bonds within families and tribes.  When every human is encouraged—if not mandated—to act strictly for the “common good” of the global population, then those preferences advancing individual, familial, or national interests must be undermined.

Powerful institutions like the UN, WEF, WHO, the EU, Blackrock, and even the Vatican all demand an essentially borderless world in which national populations migrate freely.  Decades of mass migration, primarily to the West, have resulted in not only an explosion of autonomous ethnic enclaves inside host nation-states, but also the fracture civic bonds that once loosely united native populations.  When citizens or political parties have fought back against policies of uncontrolled immigration, globalist-minded authorities have been quick to demonize us as racists, xenophobes, or—most recently—purveyors of hate.  Even more devastating for afflicted populations is the reality that assimilation is now scorned.  Rather than encourage new residents to adopt the language and traditions of their new land, governments have prioritized the cultural identities of recent transplants over the historic customs of the nation states they now call home.

Nationalism is derisively equated with the worst atrocities of 20th century German Nazism or Italian Fascism.  Its Enlightenment Age achievements in organizing dissimilar peoples into self-sustaining regions peaceful enough to encourage technological innovation, economic growth, and relative political ability, are entirely ignored.  Westerners are browbeaten with globalism’s sister philosophies of “multiculturalism” and “diversity is strength” to the point that even declaring oneself a proud Englishman, Dutchman, German, or—Heaven forfend!—Russian, can quickly lead to the offender being branded a racist who must be re-educated to reject hate.  Is it any wonder then that the Olympics are waning in popularity, when we are conditioned to believe that love of country must be expunged from humanity?

Even more fundamental than membership in national tribes that foster meaning and identity is the familial tribe that gives us a natural support network for dealing with life’s dangers.  Parents, siblings, and immediate relatives provide young family members with the skills and knowledge to navigate the outside world.  The bonds of kinship reinforce instinctive drives to protect and strengthen the group.  Families maintain organic division of labour and a shared sense of duty instilling purpose within each member. 

Globalism and state supremacy are diametrically opposed to very concept of family.  Through forced allegiance  to the ‘common good’ and the state’s expertise over the private decision-making of families, governments weaken the most natural engine for creating and sustaining human identity and purpose.  Government agents now insert themselves between parents and their children in matters as personal as religious conviction, sexual morality, and psychological well-being.  If parents reject any of the state’s radical ideologies—such as transgenderism—their natural rights as parents are threatened.  Just as during China’s Cultural Revolution, Western governments now dominate the family’s private sphere. 

It is this form of government superiority—intolerant of kinship traditions and hostile to personal agency—that actually birthed last century’s totalitarian regimes.  What distinguishes our present era is that globalist authorities seek our absolute obedience not only to their national governments but also to the pantheon of globalist gods to whom those governments claim to pray.  We are ordered to obey in the name of COVID, climate change, democracy, fighting hate, or any other false idol the state produces for public homage.  Those who worship these false idols are rewarded with government sanctioned atonement; those  who refuse are punished as heretics.  Regardless of how faithfully the converted publicly devote themselves to the globalist cult, they truly serve only the small class of oligarchs who use their demonic authority to amass greater personal wealth and power.

Good parents will sacrifice themselves for their children; they are not inclined to watch their children be butchered and brainwashed.  Warriors will sacrifice themselves when their communities come under attack; they are not prepared to die for pretentious pronouns and carbon credits.  As relentless as the sate’s propaganda continues to be, no sane person sees the government as family or wants to fight a war for globalism.  The more the state insists that we act against our natures, the more aware we become of the need to reject state authoritarianism.  The prospect of imminent conflict thereby breeds deep pessimism about the future.

Human suffering arises when people feel that they have no control over their own lives.  That suffering can often be stemmed when they seek some kind of relationship with God, take personal responsibility for their actions, use their labour to create something of their own, and openly express their thoughts.  This journey toward fulfillment requires us to do our own heavy lifting, but it also empowers the mind to create and think freely.  Humans who confidently accept their own agency inside a world not of their making eventually find peace.

How do we create flourishing societies? By encouraging people to embrace God, private property, and free speech.

Globalism does just the opposite.  It demands total dependency upon government.  When COVID tyranny struck, governments closed our churches, bankrupted small business, and crushed dissent.  The cult of climate change insists that we own nothing, produce nothing, and pray to Gaia.  The state’s absurd “War on Disinformation and Hate” enslaves the mind and criminalizes thought.  We are all expected to make these many sacrifices for the glory of the ‘multicultural’, ‘inclusive’, ‘equitable’, ‘green’—energy-obsessed globalist regime.  Naturally, the best of us have no interest in praying at the church of the UN or obeying the WHO’s coercive mandates as if they were the Lord’s Commandments. 

Globalism can only succeed in a hopelessly pessimistic world.  It thrives upon racism.  It feeds upon an apocalyptic vision of a dying planet.  It sets us against each other in a Marxist dialectic, so that we are too busy to unite and resist those who cause us actual harm.  Under globalist tyranny, fulfillment is smothered with misery, fear, and hatred.

Even in our darkest hours, Western optimism has prevailed.  After the Great War, we fell in love with the automobile.  After WWII, we bought homes and televisions.  Now, globalists push public transportation and tiny apartments.  Televisions are just media for state propaganda. 

In the modern cultural war, this generation’s warriors find laws designed for terrorists used against us, the government claiming ownership of our children, unaffordable gasoline, and the dim prospect of renting our lives from elite masters.  Globalism is where optimism goes to die.  Human flourishing will require its demolition, even as our enemies move to destroy our shared history of freedom and prosperity.

So what is wrong, Canada?  What is wrong with the Western world?

Does it not feel as though we are coming apart?

The terms ‘racist’, ‘racism’, and ‘hate’ are now everyday allegations in political discourse and the sphere of public opinion where whites are called to ceremoniously denounce their inherent ‘white privilege’.

The destiny of migrants entering the U.S., Canada, and Europe is to replace white North Americans and Europeans.  As the ongoing invasion continues, native born white North Americans and Europeans have practically stopped reproducing.  Any such voluntary downturn in the birth rate has always been a sign of internal agony, societal collapse, social upheaval, and a decaying civilization.

Questioning the tired slogan “diversity is strength” has never been more imperative; indeed, is there no limit to the racial, religious, ideological, political, social, cultural, and ethnic diversity the West can accommodate before it splinters apart?

Are all Canadians still united in our love of country? Do we still take pride in the achievements of Confederation? Lately, not at all.

Part of our populace buys into the academic and intellectual elitist rendition of history.  According to this view, Canada was spawned by diversity.  Being “Canadian” by passports only, they not only disagree about their own history—some even detest it.  They see Western civilization as centuries of colonialism, exploitation, imperialism, genocide, slavery, and segregation—practiced against people of colour—the source of the West’s wealth and power.  According to such leftists, the state must redistribute the bounty to the descendants of the victims of Western predatory greed.  For many, equality of opportunity is no longer enough—meritocracy must yield to equity, the state must pay restitution, administer reparations, and ensure a future with equality of rewards, regardless of whether recipients have done anything to earn them.  Elite high schools and universities must relinquish their insistence upon good grades and examinations to boost admissions and demonstrate progressive advancement.  Schools must mirror the racial and ethnic composition of the communities in which they are situated.

For years, the same feeling has haunted the native populations of the Western civilization:  a strange and pervasive sense of dispossession.  Anyone walking down the streets of Western cities will not recognize them by their “modern atmosphere” or milieu.  Anyone looking at their television screens or listening to the news will not appreciate he odd, politically correct, alien language used.  Glancing at billboards, watching TV series, soccer games, movies, plays, reading children’s books, taking the subway, going to train stations and airports, waiting for a child after school, we no longer feel at ease in the country we once knew.  Accompanying an ailing parent to the hospital, standing in line at the post office, sitting at a police station or in a courtroom, we feel as though we are no longer inhabit the country we once called ‘home’.

We remember the Canada we knew as children, the one our parents and grandparents described.  We remember the land found in films or books that is both casual and brilliant, literary and scientific, intelligent and original.  We remember the land we are desperately looking for everywhere and compare every country to it without ever knowing—the nation we hold dear—and that it is disappearing.

If you are like me, you have not moved but feel like you are no longer at home.  You have not left your country, but it feels like your country has left you.  You feel like a foreigner and outsider in your home—internally banished.  For a long time, you believed that you were the only one who saw, heard, thought, and or felt this way; you were hesitant to say it and ashamed of your fearful thoughts.

For a long time, you dared not say what you saw, and more importantly, you dared not understand it.  Then you told your spouse, children, friends, colleagues, and neighbours before realizing that they all shared your sense of dispossession.  Canada is no longer Canada, and everyone has noticed;  the U.S. is no longer America, and everyone knows it.  The same is true for the Britain, Australia, France, and Germany.

Of course, leftists despise us for noticing.  The powerful, the establishment, the elites, the journalists, the politicians, the academics, the sociologists, the universities, the courts, and even our churches told us that it was all a delusion.  That it was all wrong, that we were all bad.  But in time, we understood that they did the deluding—that it was they who were deceiving us.  They got it all wrong and harmed US.

The antidote to all of this is simple, but it will be hard going.  We must re-industrialize Canada, balance our trade, control spending, reduce debt and taxation, bring foreign investment back, get our unemployed working, preserve our architectural, cultural, and natural heritage; restore our school system and stop surrendering our children to the mad experiments of gender theorists and the indoctrination of leftist fanatics.  We must reclaim the sovereignty granted to technocrats and robbed us of our ability to decide our fate—for the sake of fantasies of a globalized world that can never replace our nationhood.

We must wrest power back from unelected activist judges, who wield their legally autocratic privilege in place of democratic governance.  For decades, the rulers of the Western world—right or left—have led us along this fateful path to decline and decadence, lying and concealing the reality of the ideological, political, cultural, and demographic transfusion. 

Can we yet preserve our way of life, traditions, culture, language, history, and literature?  Can we remain Canadian, feel at home again, and not be strangers in an unknown, unrecognizable, faceless country? Can the newcomers assimilate into our culture learn our history?

Will Canadians prove ourselves worthy of our ancestors?  Or will we allow ourselves to be exchanged, ruled, enslaved, conquered, and colonized? If not, then we will face a cold, determined monster trying to defile us.  Canadians will be told that we are racist and driven by evil passions, although the most beautiful of all emotions that can guide us are love for God, family, and country.

Canadians must raise our heads, drop our masks, and show ourselves, dispel false influences, and drive out misguiding shepherds.  Real Canadians have always triumphed over everything; will we continue the noble cause of our nation and pass the torch on to the next generations?  If so, then the first step in that endeavour must be to put a stop to the sexualization of our children.

Do you believe that human beings are sexually aware right from birth? That children should know about masturbation at 0-4 years, and about hugging, kissing, and sexual behaviour at 5-9 years? Or that children 9-12 years should know about sexual attraction, stimulation, and using pornography because by then they are ready for their first sexual experience?

If your answer on all counts is a shocked and emphatic “NO!”, then you have much reason to be  worried.  For the globalist agenda to upend western civilization strikes at our most vulnerable members.  Is there a lab to sexualize children, promote pornography, and normalize pedophilic involving the WEF, WHO, and the UN as part of Agenda 2030?  The possibility exists.  In 2019, in a meeting at UN headquarters, the WEF signed the UN-Forum Parnership to accelerate implementation of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, including its goals for education and health, though details as to what this involves are unclear.

Under the guise of caring for children’s rights, needs, health, and welfare, these organization are encouraging schools to incorporate programs rife with sexual content.  To get parents out of the way, they camouflage their intent as a commitment to protect the ‘sexual rights’ of minors.  So, schools may not inform parents that their children are being exposed to sexual content, are attending drag Queen story hour, or are being indoctrinated into sexual transition.

Such exposure primes children for possible future exploitation, filling their impressionable minds with ideas and feelings that they are clearly too young to process.  Brainwashed and confused, they may consent to activities parents have taught them to reject.  Experts say that these school programs threaten to normalize pedophilia in the name of ‘child liberation’ and might even constitute grooming.

The role of the UN and its organizations in promoting the global elitist agenda is now well known to anyone even half awake.  Less known is their overarching effort to promote perverse ideas about child sexuality, scaffolded by dubious, politically-driven academic studies.  In 2018, the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) published the International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education: An Evidence-Informed Approach.  This document asserts that all humans are sexual at birth, thereby justifying supersession of parental rights to protect childhood innocence.  It sets the aforesaid ages at which children may know about masturbation, etc. and when they are ripe for sexual experience.  The WHO’s “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe” gives similar age markers, and says that children aged 4-6 years are encouraged to express their sexual needs and desires.

The ideas and standards mentioned in those documents have translated into a Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) curriculum that many school systems have already adopted.  CSE endorses exposure of children to obscene ideas and material.  For example, without parental consent or knowledge, children as young as nine are being taught how to put on a condom.  CSE maintains that, if both parties consent, all sexual activity is normal and healthy. 

A CSE pamphlet entitled “It’s All One Curriculum”, produced by the Population Council, Planned Parenthood, and other NGOs, includes guidelines and activities to instruct children on how to stimulate themselves or their partner to orgasm.  All forms of sexual expression, exploration of sexual pleasure, and abortion rights are promoted under the guise of human, sexual, and reproductive rights.  Another planned Parenthood pamphlet “Health, Happy, and Hot” teaches kids that if they feel uncomfortable, they may withhold their HIV status from a sexual partner.

Perhaps the most shocking CSE material is a video from the Rutgers Foundation.  It operates in 27 countries and is funded by both Planned Parenthood and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  It shows teachers talking to children about cuddling, kissing, sex, semen, and playing with themselves and others.  It also encourages kids to masturbate.  The teachers take on a clinical air in these interactions, but the child is usually alone.  The risk of instruction moving into grooming is thus severe, especially when such interactions occur absent parental consent.  Now in use as part of a UN and WHO affiliated program in European schools, the video is slated for use in public schools across the world.

In Canada, sex education at the proper age is neither wrong or dangerous.  However, it is slowly being invaded by CSE-based ideas.  Sexualization of children goes hand in hand with efforts to normalize what western civilization deems one the worst perversions—pedophilia.  Unsurprisingly, these efforts are also led by an international rights NGO, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ).  In March of this year, along with UNAIDS and the Office of the UN Commissioner for Human Rights (UNCHER), the ICJ released “The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty.  The report states that “sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not law.”  This may well pave the way for seeing pedophiles as aggrieved parties in a hostile society and the eventual legalization of adult sexual relations with children.  Just add yet one more letter to the ever expanding victimhood group united under the vile Alphabet crowd flag.

In Minnesota, a transgender lawmaker named Leigh Finke introduced a bill recently called the “Take Pride Act”.  It seeks to revise Minnesota human rights laws to protect “minor attracted persons’” or MAPS from discrimination.  Supporters insist that pedophilia is just a fetish or sexual orientation, such that pedophiles must be protected from discrimination. 

The use of the term MAP is being twisted here to blur the truth in an Orwellian sense.  It is a blatant attempt to sanitize child exploitation and to destigmatize adults who sexually abuse children.  The European Commission and other activist groups have already begun using the new acronym, while some academics have been lending it legitimacy.  After a controversy in January, the European Commission denied that it uses the term and a fact-checking website described the allegation as ‘mostly false’; but a newspaper confirmed the usage via a screenshot.

Among the so-called MAP groups acting in the U.S. and Canada are B4U-ACT, founded by a convicted child molester, and the California based-Prostasia, which obtained a tax exemption in 2018 by marketing itself as a children’s rights organization.  B4U-ACT has funded research normalizing pedophilia as another form of sexual expression, and lobbies the helping professions to ‘learn more about attraction to minors and to consider the effects of stereotyping, stigma, and fear’.  Prostasia leads crusades against child pornography bans and finds research into fantasy sexual outlets for people attracted to minors.  Organizations like these are working hard to bring about acceptance of what is abhorrent, grotesque, and—for now at least—criminal.

We must all work to keep our children safe.  This Machiavellian, dystopian desensitization of children to aberrant sexual practices in the name of education is nothing more or less than grooming them for the advances of deviants.  Describing pedophilia as “just another sexual orientation” and giving it innocuous names is reckless, dishonest, and evil.  Like all other aspects of globalist propaganda and indoctrination, it must be exposed and stopped—lest we find ourselves unable to awaken from the nightmare that we are all now strangers in our home and native homeland.

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