Rationed Abundance | Commentary


In 2020, a team of academics from the University of Leeds in the U.K. produced a paper, “Rationing and Climate Change Mitigation”, positing that rationing fuel, food, and even clothing could effectively fight climate change.  The paper was accepted by the Journal of Ethics, Policy and Environment in January 2023 and published on 19 February.  This is an extremist proposal, even if it came from the cult of climate zealots, but is perhaps the most recent nudge toward The Great Reset.  It fits seamlessly into the strategy propagandized by the World Economic Forum (WEF) since 2020:  “you will own nothing, and you will be happy”, the first of “8 predictions for the world in 2030” to appear in the dystopian 2020 promotional video produced for the WEF. 

So how do the global elitists of the Klaus Schwab set plan to wean the bourgeoisie off our planet-destroying desire to own things and enjoy the fruits of our labours?

The answer lies in the gradual process that has already been set into motion.  Stage one is to get all of us accustomed to consuming less—especially food.  What better way to accomplish this than to manufacture an existential crisis which, if not met with drastic exigency, will unleash global Armageddon.  What more effective method of getting us used to owning less than by limiting how much we can buy, all for the sake of our new Idol:  Planet Earth. 

Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman once famously wrote that “the government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the original problem.”  He would certainly have concurred that the state is almost invariably at the root of the problems they claim to be solving at any given point in history.  If no such problems exist (and they always do) then our rulers will construct an imaginary straw man in order to expand their powers or to write new laws restricting individual liberty.  We witnessed this phenomenon with Covid-19 lockdowns and so too is the case with the fallacy of anthropomorphic climate change.

As faux crises go, this one is the GOAT, since it is forecast to annihilate humanity but for state intervention on our behalf.   A threat of such great magnitude presents the ideal excuse to promote the Great Reset, which mass media and governments tell us is just a crazy right wing conspiracy theory.  The CBC, along with every other Liberal sponsored state approved establishment news organization, wants us to accept that the Great Reset is not at all sinister and will actually make our world a much better place in which we can all live equitably.  The shocking truth, however, is that the Great Reset is quite real and represents what can only be properly described as a hostile Marxist takeover of absolutely everything.

Proponents of the Great Reset, which include our new King, make no secret of their goal:  a world government which will own everything and allocate resources according to autocratic caprice.  Picture Marxism taking Feudalism as its bride.  In its infancy, such government will likely be comprised of the G7 leaders and CEOs of vast multinational corporations like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and their ilk.  The Great Reset was christened by the WEF in Davos in 2020, but there is also a podcast and even a book.  The authors of the recently published paper on rationing are, like the WEF, candid about their strategy.  They lean heavily for justification upon how WWII rationing in the West allegedly played a key role in achieving ultimate victory, but the academics acknowledge one salient difference between then and now.  It is much easier to get people to adopt rationing where there is an actual shortage of a particular commodity.  The problem then is getting us 21st century plebeians to accept rationing of something that remains in plentiful supply.

The paper is rather chilling in its reptilian detachment from humanity.  It is written by people who relish the thought of conducting another grand experiment upon the unwashed animals on an Orwellian Farm.  They argue that the scarcity precursive to rationing already exists since we cannot afford to exhaust earth’s supposedly precious supply of fossil fuels. This is a curious thesis, given that climate change activists now demand an immediate switch from oil, coal, and gas to “green” energy sources such as wind and solar.  If the plan is to abandon dependence upon fossil fuels, then why on earth ought we be concerned about burning up our remaining reserves?  The answer, of course, is that mankind continues to rely heavily upon such fuels and demand for them is projected to increase for many decades to come.

Despite this, the academics boldly assert that the public must be subjected to state propaganda to condition our minds into acceptance of the new conditions for the Great Reset.  Methods to normalize rationing are discussed, all of which boil down to tricking us into believing that limitations upon what we can buy, in what volumes, and at what prices, is all perfectly legitimate and necessary for our survival.  The specific problem of getting us to accept rationing of a product that is still plentiful is addressed through government regulation to create shortages and then use fake scarcities to justify rationing.  Never before was C.S. Lewis more right:

The plan is to create chronic fuel shortages which will in turn reduce stocks of just about every other consumer good and food, and then to introduce rationing as the panacea.  The paper’s authors say that all of this might just be temporary, but unlike Hitler, the sun monster is practically immortal.  Why should we imagine that our globalist masters would ever declare the fake problem solved when it is the very source of their domineering power?  As Professor Friedman once quipped: “nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program.”

One is tempted to dismiss this paper as the mad musings of a couple of egghead academics.  But that dangerously ignores that the toxic seeds of CRT, DIE, and many other idea pathogens now rotting our Western institutions from within were all planted by intellectuals.  Public policy is often driven by such academic papers and studies, and if we have learned anything over the past three years, it is that “conspiracy theories” have a habit of becoming reality with startling regularity and rapidity.  As Dr. Thomas Sowell explains, intellectuals play a key role in the job of amassing political power:

These intellectuals are thus helping the globalist cabal to plant seeds for the rest of us untermenschen to accept what is coming:  massive shortages.  Some might think that this is just the powerful getting ahead of the curve.  But as we have suspected for a long time, the WEF are set upon not just predicting scarcity; they are creating it.

Poultry industries in western nations are being decimated by bird flus of unprecedented virulence.  Food plants continue to burn.  Crops are failing.  All of this is being engineered and blamed upon climate change.  Energy decisions are being made by most Western nations, including Canada, to keep us on the verge of collapse.  This is so that they can be ready for the big collective shove off the cliff at the appointed time.  They want us to think it a  spontaneous and organic result of climate change, when in fact it has all been precisely plotted. 

Bill C-27 is in its second reading in Parliament.  It will cause Canada to join nearly every other nation in the world adopting Central Bank Digital Currencies, which will transform actual capitalism into “stakeholder capitalism” before becoming a full-blown global socialist solution to the problems that our rulers have created.  Economic collapse will be translated into central fiscal control.  Anyone wanting to buy or sell in any commodity will need to line up and qualify for the privilege.  This is not mere coincidence; it is instead all part of their coordinated machinations, the framework for which was laid out by the WEF’s godfather decades ago:

This is why the buzzword “rationing” now emanates from corporate media and government officials.  According to plan, as with any psyop, it will be easier to get us to accept and even embrace rationing if they first advertise it though subtle repetition:  “ration, ration, ration”. 

They are already rationing tomatoes down at the supermarket.  We are told that it is about supply chains, bad weather, and heating costs.  But right now, in terms of messaging, it is more about pushing the word—rationing—than about any conceivable food shortage.  We are to become conditioned to hearing this word, just as we did “pandemic.”

This is part of a now familiar process of psychological manipulation.  Get us acquainted with the basic idea of food scarcity so that we are all psychologically and emotionally primed when the planned reality is unveiled.  Just as we were conditioned to clamour for a “vaccine” to a virus that only killed .01% of the population, we were fed words like “lockdown”, “pandemic”, “mandate”, and “denier”.  “Rationing” is a word out of the past in the Western world, used by our parents and grandparents.  Just like “European War” and “Fascism”, they are now en vogue.  Just as in advertising, so too in politics and culture: everything old is new again.  We are expected to accept the reality of food rationing, even as our local landfills swell with fresh produce and left-overs dumped there daily. 

This manipulation is invariably about an iron hand sheathed in a velvet glove.  Much of the messaging in the MSM is redolent of WWII and the fabled Blitz Spirit.  “We’re all in it together”, “making do”, “doing our bit”, “standing up for democracy”, “defending the free world”, “sacrifice, and don’t grumble”, “keep calm and carry on”.  On the subject of democracy, does anyone remember having the opportunity to vote on any of this?  Did we vote to give governments the power to locks us up in our homes, to shut down our schools and universities, courthouses, airports, our pubs and restaurants, shops, gyms, and businesses?  To tell us whom we could visit or have in our homes?  Whether we could go for a walk, travel within our own country, let alone beyond these shores?  Do you remember voting to empower employers to mandate experimental medical procedures for their staff?  And who voted to demonize and exclude healthy people from civil society just because they might carry an invisible virus?

If you are like me, you cannot recall being invited to discuss or debate all of this.  You were quite understandably distracted by the bombardment of state sponsored messaging and censorship by governments and the MSM.  Or perhaps you were just one of the many who feared the ridicule, cancellation or doxing that would have cost your job.  In the UK, the U.S., and here in Canada, many citizens are asking themselves when they voted to have their government send billions of dollars to Ukraine at a time of critical hardship for millions unable to afford escalating domestic food or heating costs.

So often over the past few years, I have asked myself:  “who do those people think they are?”All of them, once elected into office, begin herding us towards World War III while negating our God-given freedoms. 

Who do people like Justin Trudeau and Pierre Pollievre, shouting war cries at us with Ukraine flags draped around their necks, think they are to disregard liberty and our very existence as free individuals, and spend their time posturing and politicking?  Fiddling while Rome burns.  Who do these people think they are, baldly creating and then ignoring hardship, enacting policies to destroy livelihoods, economies and the health of millions and then standing idly by while real people suffer the harms of their virtue signalling, power hungry propagandist distraction?

The undeniable reality of the situation is that we already have the potential to produce more than enough food, energy, and every other life sustaining commodity.  Fossil fuels and existing technology make any alleged shortages in the West no more than fraudulent fiction.  But we are nevertheless being socialized to ration.  The glaring paradox is that we are drowning in surplus on all sides. We have centuries worth of affordable energy under our feet and yet are constantly bullied into a false reality that fewer and fewer people can afford to heat their homes or fuel their cars and trucks.  Each year, we bulldoze countless tons of food into landfills while being told to do without erstwhile familiar foods.  We do much the same with clothes like masks worn once before discarding them.  We upgrade our Chinese made smartphones and place other tech into last year’s offering bin, ignoring the lithium, cobalt, gold, and other precious metals mined by child slaves—out of sight, out of mind.  We will soon be commanded to junk our gas boilers, stoves, and fossil fuel burning automobiles.  Meanwhile, our rulers siphon our carbon and other taxes into subsidies for Chinese made wind turbines and solar panels that will be toxic waste within one generation.

Nor is it just about consumer goods.  Every moment of each day we are deluged with information as well. So much chaff in which to hide the kernels of wheat.  We drown in words but struggle desperately to find so much as a sentence worth reading.  Meanwhile, the Cambridge dictionary redefines words like “woman”, “man”, “pandemic”, and “vaccine”, and Puffin rewrites the Roald Dahl and Ian Fleming anthologies to cleanse them of any words which might be triggering or offensive.  Dr. Seuss books are now too dangerous for children to read, and have been replaced in school libraries by ones describing graphic homosexual erotica.  Instead of being educated at school in objective, meaningful knowledge about our shared history, heritage, and culture, about how to understand the world and contribute to its amelioration, our children are indoctrinated with propaganda; drilled with hateful ideologies predicated upon obsession not with the content of one’s character but with the colour of one’s skin, or sexual preferences—either real or imaginary.

An eight year old boy with a smartphone and an internet connection can look at more naked women engaged in overt sexual acts than wise King Solomon saw in a lifetime of concubine conquest.  Sickening superfluity surrounds, and yet we are told to ration food in our supermarkets?  Rationing tomatoes is but a symptom of how corrupted our food industry has become at the hands of corporate avarice bent on profit for the few at the expense of the many.  None of this is of course the fault of the worthy farmers in places like Holland and Canada, who suffer under governmental maze of regulations and red tape designed to impede and restrict the job of growing healthy food for us.

New regulations make it legal to label as “milk” the white liquid derived from processing almonds and oats.  There are to be crickets ground into the flower that makes our bread, along with hundreds of other food products.  Industrially produced vegetables are labelled meat, chicken,  or even fish.  They make oil from sunflowers and canola, process away its rancid toxicity and then sell it in food, salad dressing, and as an ingredient in soap for getting rid of stubborn fabric stains.  It is even in the baby food that became so rare that it was, yes, rationed during the pandemic. 

If food is so scare that we need to begin rationing it, then why are we paying farmers to get out of the business altogether and sell off their lands to multi-national corporations?  Would it not make eminent sense to incentivize them to produce more food to meet the coming shortages?  That way, they could make more more money as the demand rises.  Why are planes and ships burning diesel to transport exotic foods like avocados thousands of miles around the world from places where mass cultivation of them causes catastrophic damage to local water supplies?  Are leaders like Justin Trudeau so clueless that they do not know how to run the country for the benefit of the human beings they were elected to serve?  Or are they knowingly in service of multinational corporations and the WEF?

Are we simply to be fed a diet of propaganda and lies about health, food, climate, war, biology, gender, and race until we are so diseased, confused, exhausted, and anxious that we do not notice them robbing us and locking us down in a digital ghetto, supervised round the clock by the cameras and listening devices we pay dearly to carry around in our own pockets?  Greed and unbridled power have brought us to the only destination that was ever in view, which is right here, right now. 

The problem is not a scarcity of food; it is rather an over abundance of lies that we keep buying, to our great detriment and perhaps—our ultimate destruction.

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