Capitalist Ethics  


The world is changing. In the West, we are no longer the same as we once were and even doubt our right to be here. Strangers from afar multiply inside our borders. Harbingers of chaos, they crowd together and push to get inside. Dispossessed and covetous, they know very well where they are going; they see a fat, docile cow waiting to be milked—and slaughtered. This pressure increases by millions of migrants each year.

Telltale signs of what lies ahead are open to study throughout the West—on both sides of the Atlantic. The boundless optimism of the early 1990’s is like the distant echo of hearty laughter. What we take for granted today—freedom, safety, and prosperity—we might need to fight for tomorrow.

Elsewhere, the so-called BRICS countries prepare to end the West’s hegemony. Naturally, we have paid indulgences for our alleged sins of colonialism for nearly a century. However, we should not expect forgiveness or pity on that account. We presume to have built up ‘goodwill’ with the third-world countries like Ukraine receiving our foreign aid, but we have seriously miscalculated. So far as they are concerned, our wealth is up for grabs.

The happy days are over. As Westerners, we are not marching confidently into the future, but bumping and tottering. Our civilization is threatened. In the shadowland of moral relativism, ideological confusion, and fatalistic cowardice, we have lost our way. It is as if we children of the West have been raised to completely neglect the origin of our historical success. None of this bodes well for the future. The West is left open to invasion by those who know the struggle for life—mainly immigrants by the millions from Africa and the Middle East, some of whom are foreign nationals who now occupy key positions of power in our own governments.

The total abolition of cardinal virtues such as prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance in the anti-Christian transitional societies of the West is approaching. The body of thought they represent once formed the philosophical basis on which we built orderly societies. These pillars of civilization served us well for centuries. The history of Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand testifies to this salient point; but regrettably, such virtues are not universal. They have not been bestowed upon us by God like the Ten Commandments. Neither are they derived from human nature as inherent dispositions embedded in biology. Strictly speaking, they are unique to Western culture. They represent a construct of history. Accordingly, they may not be understood—let alone accepted—elsewhere.

Even though we formulated the cardinal virtues and lived by them for so long as the basis of our social cohesion, we may also lose them—suddenly challenged in numbers by foreigners with multiple cultures of their own. This menacing prospect—spelling the conditions of complete alienation and civilizational dissolution—are ultimately owed to our own decadence, imprudence, tolerance, and apathy. We have fallen asleep on our watch.

Unfortunately, we have long since forgotten our own struggle for survival. If modern Westerners had any historical awareness, we would know that from time immemorial we have been repelling Eastern invaders. Our acquired wealth and strength are due to the ingenuity of our ancestors, their courage and care for posterity. However, there is a general reluctance to face the real dangers of today and to fight for our home in the West.

For a long time, we have made self-denying decisions in a world of competing cultures. Survival in the long term is determined not by whimsical standards of hypocrisy, but rather by the resolve to prevail. Today, we possess neither the stoicism of the pagan Greeks or the piety of the Christian scholars. Morally corrupted by propagandized guilt and corrupted habits of consumerism, we have become selfish, lazy, and hedonistic. It seems that we live solely to gratify the present and give nary a thought for tomorrow. Our conceited thoughtfulness may just cost us dearly in the end.

Of course, we have but ourselves to thank for our current predicament. The origin of the treacherous attack on our society is the worldview of a nihilistic subculture at our universities —shared by ignorant, undisciplined, self-aggrandizing students. Seduced into political activism by delusions of social justice and penance, they condemn the rest of us to the eternal perdition of our privileged ‘colonial’ past.

Our self-inflicted weakness, of a moral rather than material nature, exposes us to a determined enemy. It so happens that the threats to the West are piling up; there are migrants flooding our lands like barbarians of Roman times; and there is the imminent threat of military attacks from totalitarian empires in Europe and beyond. In the centuries after the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 A.D. and the Eastern in 453 A.D., brought about by the Huns and Turks, we had to fight for our identity and resist the dangers of complete conquest by invading hordes.

After the mayhem caused by open borders and uncontrolled migration, a civilization based upon reason, courage, and meritocracy rather than orthodoxy, savagery, and submission saw the light of day and flourished. As a response to the medieval doomsday mood—reflected in the aberrant ideals of the Gothic style—the classical ideals of antiquity, ranging from literature to architecture, eventually found their way back to the world of the living; the West emerged like a Phoenix from its own ashes. It birthed the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Enlightenment.

Integrating Hellenistic-Roman and Jewish traditions, Christian culture laid the bedrock for the Enlightenment, the unfettered pursuit of both scientific knowledge and artistic beauty— and unparalleled growth in technology and industry. It saved an historical reverence for reason and individualism. Aligned with humanist principles such as universal dignity, individual freedom, and the importance of happiness, its teachings stood in stark contrast to the dichotomous slave-master mentality prevalent in most other parts of the world.

A cultural decline and vulnerability to foreign influence, the likes of which have been unthinkable since the last days of Rome, are now evident in the West. Rather than a lack of wisdom and beauty in the church, they reflect the rushing 20th century victory of secularism. Westerners now behave like suggestible orphans; the denial of God severs us from our own lineage and drives us into the arms of ungodly, inhumane, and fraudulent movements like post-modernism and totalitarianism.

Thought by some to represent the pinnacle of civilization but deeply disoriented in moral terms, the so-called secular society is but an unstable and intermediate form characterized by unresolved disputes and upheavals. It has replaced godliness (faith and tradition) and personal freedom, including freedom of speech, with claims of universal rights such as mass migration and tolerance of overtly illiberal movements—sparing them from proper criticism by criminalizing “hate speech”.

The legacy of the Enlightenment is vanishing. What we took to be immutable—the very bulwark of Western civilization—is crumbling around us. Civil liberties in society come under pressure not from government, but first from those who strive for total domination; from those willing to exterminate anyone unwilling to submit.

If these destructive forces actually succeed, it will be ever so quiet on the Western front. There will be no exchange of ideas between learned men and women. It will be a time of darkness, of cruelty, and of barbarism—made to order by a globalist cabal bent upon world domination.

So how are globalists executing their plan to destroy the West? The answer is simple: Crisis.

Globalists know that nothing drives public policy so much as the fear of impending death. Nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles may have scared anyone living through the Cold War; they remain the gifts that keep on giving for the military-industrial complex and the national security surveillance state. Today, the more catastrophic the consequences of any perceived threat, the more likely that otherwise skeptical humans will exchange their God-given freedoms for the elusive promise of personal security. Political systems specialize in exploiting this “Save Me!”impulse for maximum leverage. “Looming apocalypse” is Big Government’s perennial top sales campaign.

Ghost stories about global warming work the same way. If voters can be convinced that their economic freedom leads to human extinction, then they will accept costly regulations and ‘green energy’-induced inflation. If they can be brainwashed into believing that hydrocarbon energy is evil, then they will actively protest for a future with intermittent yet expensive electric power. If they buy into thinking that only politicians and central bankers can save the planet, then they will embrace communism in order to fight ‘climate change’. Given that Earth’s climate is always naturally changing—whether humans are alive to notice or not— government success in conditioning vulnerable people to fear every change in the weather has been stunning.

It is thus hardly surprising that UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutierrez and other doomsayer charlatans are now hyperventilating about “global boiling”. Generations told they would perish decades ago have learned to disregard such apocalyptic warnings.

Human experience creates a natural immunity to nonsense. Conversely, totalitarianism succeeds only when our level of collective anxiety can be ratcheted well above eleventy! That is why every iteration of the so-called ‘climate emergency’ must sound more terrifying than the last. It is also why each new season of “Climate Change: The Coming Armageddon” targets children who have never seen old episodes of this boring documentary series. It may be the longest running television program of all time, but the ignorant youth—who cannot imagine that government or their teachers would ever lie to them—fall for the dying planet horror show every time.

This is the very madness that ‘green’ false prophets perpetrate upon unsuspecting peoples— stoking irrational fears in a misanthropic and Machiavellian quest for power. 20th century totalitarians also rose to power by spreading madness and fomenting irrational fears. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao obsessed over foreign ideas, capitalism, religion, and racial impurity; modern tyrants focus upon hydrocarbons, white supremacy, and hate speech. Future generations will see no distinction between the two types. Just like the monsters of the past, today’s globalists seize power by manufacturing crises. Dictators always arrive on triumphant chariots driven by lies.

The German Deep State is similar to the Trudeau Government. Both love to lecture the world about ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ while censoring conservative speech, criminalizing political dissent, spewing propaganda, and manipulating elections. They also have a penchant for creating committees and agencies to engage in behaviours they pretend to police— disinformation boards that spread lies, humanitarian groups that foment war, pro-democracy coalitions that seek to ban political groups and public debate. For the Deep State, language is but a weapon for deception.

In one particularly laughable example, German law now mandates its Ethics Council—an independent body of experts dedicated to discovering ways to justify the government’s unethical behaviours. How do you convince people to accept unscientific lockdowns and experimental vaccines? Just tell them that a nonpartisan crew of credentialed ‘experts’ has checked for ethical landmines and determined that ‘all is well’. Recently, the morality Star Chamber published an opinion about “Climate Justice” that lays the groundwork for a future when all German activities will be strictly monitored for carbon-rationing compliance:

“On grounds of justice, it can be morally required to contribute to measures to tackle climate change. If one’s own exercise of freedom interferes in an unjust manner with the freedom and welfare of others or of future generations, for example through consumption that is harmful to the climate, the authorities may intervene with restrictions of freedom.”

As with all such Deep State hypocrisy, Germany’s Ethics Council promises the public that it is wholly opposed to suspending “democratic freedoms” but encourages the government to create ‘supportive framework conditions’—including carbon taxes, personal emissions limits, products bans, and compensatory payments to ongoing neo-colonial dependencies—that will nudge Germans to do the right thing.

Yes indeed: nothing says freedom like new taxes, forced redistribution of wealth, regulatory red tape, financial extortion, and constant personal surveillance. Just because the government holds a gun to the back of your head while you make decisions does not mean that you are any less free—just trust the unethical Ethics Council!

There is something so spectacularly German about the morality police redefining totalitarianism as merely ‘supportive framework conditions’. Who could argue against a ‘supportive framework’? It is the kind of linguistic chicanery that other Western nations will readily mimic. Prime Minister Trudeau did not confiscate the bank accounts of Freedom Convoy protestors in order to quell dissent and chill free speech; he was merely creating ‘supportive framework conditions’ for their suppression. Australia and New Zealand did not set up Stasi roadblocks, checkpoints, and forced detainment camps during the great Covid Hoax; they simply constructed a ‘supportive framework’ for a functional police state. Sleepy Joe Biden and his vindictive Attorney General, Merrick Garland, did not weaponize the justice system to persecute conservatives, freedom-lovers, Christians, Trump, and his supporters; they have implemented ‘supportive framework conditions’ to disarm, censor, and imprison anyone who resists the Deep State. Governing the peasants is so very easy once the Ethics Council condones property confiscation, coercion, and controlled speech!

Ultimately, globalism feeds upon crises. It is a political philosophy in perpetual search of apocalyptic threats employed as expedient pretexts justifying a tiny cabal of financial titans and global elites to exercise total control over everyone else. Crises are its brand, its currency, and its product. For globalism to persist, no emergency can ever be solved unless a new one is on its way.

The inherently destructive nature of globalism has left the public in a permanent state of anticipatory dread. Roughly two-thirds of us not only expect a third world war to break out within the next decade but also believe nuclear conflagration is inevitable. That nuclear war, election rigging, and “Black Swan” disasters are spoken of so matter of factly reflects an almost fatalistic consensus that everything will soon fall apart. In other words, globalism has largely succeeded in cultivating a pervasive expectation of our impending social death. That is an astounding indictment of the path Western leaders have forged over the last century. As they have burned the world to the ground, their legacy is general misery. For free and prosperous people to survive and flourish, globalism must surely die.

But how can this be accomplished, you ask? Through a return to the ethics of capitalism.

The deepest principles of capitalism are found in the basic definition of free trade: “A willing buyer and a willing seller deciding on a transaction without outside coercion.”

Two individuals arrive at an agreement. This point is crucial.

Capitalism exists only where there is individual freedom of choice. True capitalism does not spring from any law or government. The economic system called capitalism arose naturally from the individual liberty upon which Western nations were founded.

For eons, mankind has bartered, the first seeds of capitalism—but all nations were subject to their more powerful neighbour taking through force. The entire concept of capitalism is that free trade and individual rights inexorably united the nationalism and sanctity of the individual into one concept. Consequently, the singular role of government is to protect the individual freedoms that accrue from God.

Capitalism has been maligned for decades. The main arguments are greed and avarice. No doubt some capitalists are guilty of these; however, the vast majority of business owners, inventors, and founders created a better way that other people freely chose. In a capitalist economy, individuals decide—not governments.

Cronyism is not capitalism. Cronyism uses the power of government to subvert free enterprise. It creates an unfair advantage through manipulation of a market. While it is legal for Elon Musk or Warren Buffett to use government contracts to keep a market to themselves, it remains unethical. For instance, subsidization of EVs by governments distorts the market; it takes money in the form of taxes from one person to pay off another. The subsidy that EV buyers get is actually taken from others through taxation to benefit small groups, thus hurting the majority. If the EV were desirable in a free, capitalist market, then it would need no state subsidy.

All federal revenue comes from the individual. The state is incapable of generating profit, so it must tax its citizens. Government is antithetical to individual freedom and therefore to capitalism. It is a zero sum game: what government has, it takes from the individual. There must be a limit, a balancing.

We realize that some portion of our income must go to support the government. But when a certain group pays most of the taxes, and when another pays none, the burden is not equally shared. The high wage earners are disproportionately impacted, while low wage earners pay nothing. This system cannot long sustain itself.

There is a tipping point at which the tax burden becomes untenable. At that point, businesses and the wealthy will find tax shelters or even move their product lines offshore. This is self- limiting, since tax revenues depend upon profits, and these only decline as tax rates rise.

Big Government finds ways to rob Peter to pay Paul in order to get Paul’s vote. But this is a highly limited endeavour, since producers of wages and taxes will eventually rebel. Ayn Rand wrote volumes on this topic, as did Milton Friedman and the entire Austrian School of Economics.

Federal debt is really our debt, since every taxpayer must repay it. When the government spends more than it takes in through taxes, it places everyone into debt, just so that politicians can continue to spend other people’s money.

The solution is to force government to reduce spending. How many more welfare programs do we need? How effective are the programs already in place? Would not private enterprise better serve the needs of the populace? These are all key questions we must be asking of our elected leaders.

Profit allows a business to grow and flourish. It requires the business owner to balance employee satisfaction with other costs and price products or services above their total cost, and to thereby create profit. Remember that capitalism requires a willing buyer. If the seller does not provide a product or service that satisfies the buyer, then the business enterprise must fail.

The key point is that freedom to choose, free of government influence, perpetuates capitalism. This is why capitalism is foundational to liberty, prosperity, and human flourishing. Civilizations which operate in this way succeed and self-perpetuate outside the strangling grip of big government.

Since capitalism is available to everyone, it has brought most people out of subsistence living to comparative wealth. Even the poorest among us benefit greatly from free markets. it is immoral and unethical for governments to pay people to remain impoverished, using welfare and other entitlements. We must instead encourage people to engage in the uplifting process of fending for themselves. Entitlement breeds dependency; free enterprise breeds independence, both globally and domestically.

The golden thread uniting freedom, capitalism, and Western civilization is the sanctity of the individual, whose rights are inalienable and bestowed by God. Our survival as individuals and nations demands that we exercise our rights as individuals to limit and balance government action. This is the path to freedom and extrication from globalist slavery.

We have a golden opportunity to right the wrongs and bring order to chaos, but this demands forsaking our basic instinct for comfort and security in favour of the hard won choice to be free. In the sage words of Dwight D. Eisenhower:

"If you want total security, go to prison. There you’re fed, clothed, given medical care and so on.  The only thing lacking… is freedom."

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